Dr Illuseven Ayudante | traditionalmagicworldwide@gmail.com | 12/02-2023 | I'm Dr Illuseven Ayudante, i can help you with magic protection you need, I am specialized in Lost lover recovering, troubled marriage, misunderstanding in family, get loved / married, Financial problem, bad debts, boosting business, bank or money lender problems, luck charm/sticks or ring, Germany, Australia, Poland, Belgium, USA, UK, Canada, Singapore, S.Africa, Greece, Ireland, New Zealand, Africa, Asia, America, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Norway.......
1. I Return Lost Lovers, Restore Marriages and Bind them together forever.
2. quick divorce/ stop divorce, stop your lover from cheating and sleeping around, attract a New Love by any one u feel like, get your ex lover back in just days.
3. Unemployment, Job promotion, Better/double pay, be liked at work/friends and family.
4. Court cases, spiritual protection from thieves, accidents and witchcraft/bad evils.
5. Bad luck, Bewitched people, Cleaning homes/farms from evil spiritsor Evil, Success spell in lotto.
6. Get your lost/Stolen properties or family members,
7. Revenge spell for someone who did bad things to you.
8. Do you have misunderstanding with your lover and you want to end it?
9. I cure madness/addictions/long illnesses
10. Bring Luck to Win Lottery, Betting and Gambling games Contact Me Today to change your Life. Email: traditionalmagicworldwide@gmail.com[...] |
Dr Illuseven Ayudante | traditionalmagicworldwide@gmail.com | 12/02-2023 | I'm Dr Illuseven Ayudante, i can help you with magic protection you need, I am specialized in Lost lover recovering, troubled marriage, misunderstanding in family, get loved / married, Financial problem, bad debts, boosting business, bank or money lender problems, luck charm/sticks or ring, Germany, Australia, Poland, Belgium, USA, UK, Canada, Singapore, S.Africa, Greece, Ireland, New Zealand, Africa, Asia, America, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Norway.......
1. I Return Lost Lovers, Restore Marriages and Bind them together forever.
2. quick divorce/ stop divorce, stop your lover from cheating and sleeping around, attract a New Love by any one u feel like, get your ex lover back in just days.
3. Unemployment, Job promotion, Better/double pay, be liked at work/friends and family.
4. Court cases, spiritual protection from thieves, accidents and witchcraft/bad evils.
5. Bad luck, Bewitched people, Cleaning homes/farms from evil spiritsor Evil, Success spell in lotto.
6. Get your lost/Stolen properties or family members,
7. Revenge spell for someone who did bad things to you.
8. Do you have misunderstanding with your lover and you want to end it?
9. I cure madness/addictions/long illnesses
10. Bring Luck to Win Lottery, Betting and Gambling games Contact Me Today to change your Life. Email: traditionalmagicworldwide@gmail.com[...] |
Dr Illuseven Ayudante | traditionalmagicworldwide@gmail.com | 12/02-2023 | I'm Dr Illuseven Ayudante, i can help you with magic protection you need, I am specialized in Lost lover recovering, troubled marriage, misunderstanding in family, get loved / married, Financial problem, bad debts, boosting business, bank or money lender problems, luck charm/sticks or ring, Germany, Australia, Poland, Belgium, USA, UK, Canada, Singapore, S.Africa, Greece, Ireland, New Zealand, Africa, Asia, America, Italy, Turkey, Spain, Norway.......
1. I Return Lost Lovers, Restore Marriages and Bind them together forever.
2. quick divorce/ stop divorce, stop your lover from cheating and sleeping around, attract a New Love by any one u feel like, get your ex lover back in just days.
3. Unemployment, Job promotion, Better/double pay, be liked at work/friends and family.
4. Court cases, spiritual protection from thieves, accidents and witchcraft/bad evils.
5. Bad luck, Bewitched people, Cleaning homes/farms from evil spiritsor Evil, Success spell in lotto.
6. Get your lost/Stolen properties or family members,
7. Revenge spell for someone who did bad things to you.
8. Do you have misunderstanding with your lover and you want to end it?
9. I cure madness/addictions/long illnesses
10. Bring Luck to Win Lottery, Betting and Gambling games Contact Me Today to change your Life. Email: traditionalmagicworldwide@gmail.com[...] |
Jandak | Jandacroman@seznam.cz | 12/02-2023 | Bezpečná online půjčka
Hledáte podnikatelský úvěr? půjčka, půjčka na bydlení, půjčka na auto, studentská půjčka, půjčka na konsolidaci dluhu, nezajištěná půjčka, rizikový kapitál, dokud vám nebude odepřena půjčka od banky nebo finanční instituce, nebo z mnoha důvodů. Dnes jsme nejlepšími a nejdůvěryhodn&#[...] soukromými poskytovateli půjček na internetu, půjčujeme firmám a jednotlivcům za nízkou a dostupnou úrokovou sazbu 2 %. Kontaktujte nás pro sjednání půjčky a převodu do 24 hodin. Chcete-li využít půjčku, kontaktujte mě e-mailem na adrese: Jandacroman@seznam.cz |
Jandak | Jandacroman@seznam.cz | 12/02-2023 | Bezpečná online půjčka
Hledáte podnikatelský úvěr? půjčka, půjčka na bydlení, půjčka na auto, studentská půjčka, půjčka na konsolidaci dluhu, nezajištěná půjčka, rizikový kapitál, dokud vám nebude odepřena půjčka od banky nebo finanční instituce, nebo z mnoha důvodů. Dnes jsme nejlepšími a nejdůvěryhodn&#[...] soukromými poskytovateli půjček na internetu, půjčujeme firmám a jednotlivcům za nízkou a dostupnou úrokovou sazbu 2 %. Kontaktujte nás pro sjednání půjčky a převodu do 24 hodin. Chcete-li využít půjčku, kontaktujte mě e-mailem na adrese: Jandacroman@seznam.cz |
happyday | happyday99loanfirm@gmail.com | 12/02-2023 | Hej alle sammen, her er et overkommeligt lånetilbud, der vil ændre dit liv for altid, PROMOTION HVORDAN KAN JEG REDUCERE MIN FAMILIES LIV Mit navn er Mrs. Clency Dexter. Jeg bor i Florida, USA, og er jeg en glad kvinde i dag? Jeg sagde til mig selv, at jeg ville anbefale mit Broken Life og enhver långiver, der kunne ændre min families liv, til alle, der leder efter et lån. De gjorde mig og min familie glade, jeg havde brug for et lån på $250.000,00 for at starte mit liv som enke med 3 børn. Dette ærlige og GUD online lånefirma hjalp mig med et lån på $250.000,00, faktisk er GUD bange for mennesker ved at arbejde med et velrenommeret lånefirma. Hvis du har brug for et lån, og du er 100 % sikker på, at du vil tilbagebetale lånet, så kontakt dem og fortæl dem, at Miss Clency henviste dig til dem. Kommunikation via e-mail:
happyday99loanfirm@gmail.com |
soscredite | soscredite@gmail.com | 11/02-2023 | SOS KREDITE: FINANZIERUNG / KREDIT / DARLEHEN
Hier sind einige Bedingungen, die Sie sorgfältig lesen sollten, um Ihren Kredit bei uns zu erhalten.
E-Mail: soscredite@gmail.com
1- Der Zinssatz beträgt 3 % pro Jahr.
2- Sie erhalten den Kreditvertrag zur Unterzeichnung per E-Mail oder Fax
3- Die Zinsen werden ab dem Tag berechnet, an dem Sie das auf Ihrem Konto verfügbare Guthaben erhalten.
4- Die Zinsen sind in der monatlichen Zahlung enthalten und werden am 28. oder 29. eines jeden Monats zurückerstattet.
5- Der Schuldner muss sechs Monate nach Erhalt des Kredits mit der Rückzahlung des Kredits beginnen.
6- Die Verspätung der monatlichen Zahlung, aus welchem ​​Grund auch immer, wird mit einer Strafe von 50 bis 200 Euro belegt, abhängig von der Anzahl der Tage, die als Verspätung berechnet werden.
Wenn meine Bedingungen zu Ihnen passen, füllen Sie bitte die folgenden Bedingungen aus und senden Sie sie uns per E-Mail: soscredite@gmail.com
Vielen Dank
Zufriedenheit und Garantie ist unsere Priorität |
Tapio | genuinehackers000@gmail.com | 10/02-2023 | Oletko koskaan joutunut huijauksen uhriksi? Oletko hukannut lompakkosi tai rahasi väärennetyille hakkereille verkossa? Pyydän sinua ottamaan yhteyttä tähän luotettavaan hakkeri- ja palautusasiantuntijaan AITOON HAKKERIIN. Jouduin väärennettyjen ihmisten uhriksi, jotka esiintyivät binäärioptioina ja bitcoin-sijoittajina, menetin 10 000 dollarin ja 2 BTC:n summan bitcoin-lompakostani näille väärennöksille. Kesti hetken ennen kuin tajusin, että ne olivat huijauksia, ja tämä todella sattui. Sitten ystäväni kuuli siitä ja suositteli minua GENUINE HACKERille, joka auttoi minua palauttamaan kaiken menettämäni. Lisätietoja saat lähettämällä sähköpostia osoitteeseen GENUINEHACKERS000@GMAIL.COM tai WhatsApp +1 (260) 218-3592 kautta. |
Adeline Jack | albertgonzalezwizard@gmail.com | 10/02-2023 | Greetings to you all out there. I was scammed by a fake online crypto investor, I got a message from a trader on my Facebook who told me about how high their profit was after investing with them, I decided to invest in the online trade because I wanted to make more profit to set up a business because my job wasn't enough to take care of myself and my family, invested $76,000.00 worth of bitcoin. I was promised that I will be able to withdraw my profit after one week of investment. when it was time for me to withdraw the profit. I tried to make a withdrawal and it failed. I informed the trader about it and he asked me to pay more money as the withdrawal charges. was a bit strange to me. I wasn't informed earlier that I have to pay extra money to be able to withdraw my winning profit. I did as he instructed and made another deposit of $7,000.00, thinking I will be able to finally withdraw my profit. but he kept asking for more money until I realized that I was being scammed. I couldn't let go because I invested all the money that I was saving to set up a new business. I was confused and lost for days because the world was against me. I had to do research to see if there is anything I can do to recover my money back and I came across the comment about Albert Gonzalez wizard after so many searches. I read several good reviews about them from various scam victims and how Albert Gonzalez wizard helped them in recovering their stolen crypto. I decided to contact them for help. I was opportune to get my money back from the scam brokers through the help of the Albert Gonzalez wizard, Are you a victim of any kind of scam? Albert Gonzalez wizard is capable of helping you get back whatever you may have lost to internet Scammers. Reach them through email address at: info@albertgonzalezwizard.online or albertgonzalezwizard@gmail.com via whatsapp on: +31685248506 Telegram: +31685248506 |
MARY MASON | skywealthloanfirm@gmail.com | 09/02-2023 | Sky Wealth lånefirma, vi giver lån til en rente på 0f 3%.
God dag sir/mor.
Vi er en privat virksomhed, og vi tilbyder lån til lave renter for at bestemme størrelsen af lånet er mellem 100 millioner lån hensættelser på 1.000 Euro lån til forretningsudvikling: kant / virksomhed ekspansion konkurrenceevne.
Kontakt E-mail: skywealthloanfirm@gmail.com
Vi tilbyder mange forskellige lån
*Personlige lån (sikrede og usikrede)
* Erhvervslån (sikrede og usikrede)
* Konsolideringslån
Ingen forudgående gebyrer
Vi takker, fordi du tog dig tid til at læse denne annonce.
For mere information og forespørgsler, send en e-mail til os i dag
Du kan også nå os via vores Whatsapp-forretningslinje: +1(646)4440366
Du kan også kontakte os via virksomhedens hjemmeside: http://skywealthloanfirm.wixsite.com/[...]
Fru Mary Mason. |